I’m back now to talk about software selection methodology.
Last article I spoke about some topics to be taken in consideration when we’re asked to “bring on board” one or more pieces of software.
In the previous “part” I pointed out that the goal has to be achieved by the entire project team and team has to share the same values and visions. I’ll continue now on re-enhancing this aspect.
- We can find the best product perfect for our needs
- We can find the best product perfect for our needs at the price that we expect to be easily acceptable by our project sponsors
- We can find the best product perfect for our needs that that does exactly what we know that business needs
- We can find very disappointing to be criticised, while presenting the solution candidate, when our business owners don’t recognize into the presented solution what they want!
Our working teams need to collaborate continuously with business owners and stakeholders in order to establish a have continuous iteration between who needs the solution and who has to provide the best solution available for the specific need.
We cannot see the project like a bicycle race where just one wins. We have to cycle all together to achieve (together) the common goal.
I know that I’m a little deviating from the original topic, but in order to adopt a new software solution, I want to stress you a little more about methodology to work together and keep the project team more engaged in the common goal. Let me introduce now a matrix that has been attributed to John Withmore.
Goal of any project is always to positively exceed our business owners expectations in terms of effectiveness of the solutions found and deployed on time and absolutely in-line with the business owner expectations shared continuously verified from both parts.
The path to the common goal – an handy tool to identify pro/cons
The below schema summarises in 14 requirements, grouped in 3 main “areas” a good way to monitor a common global project like a a new software selection generally requires.
Communication, Communication, Communication….
This time also, I found a song that may provide a “simple reminder” of what I wrote above. Again my topic is related to the communication and the collaboration.
I selected it due the fact this song includes something related to the fact we (single person and/or working teams) very frequently want to “view” their own reality and not the real one.
Too many assumptions like “I know what my business wants“, “they trust in me“… “they know I know everything necessary” sometime, without a consistent governance, generate serious consequences
“Duel” (Propaganda – 1985)
……….The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder.
The third will have you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming……….
Ok in part 3 I’ll cover the comparison topic and I’ll be back to pure IT (strictly) tecnnology aspects
As written in the previous step, any feedback is strongly appreciated
Stay tuned